Beach fishing, sometimes called shore or surf fishing, is a type of saltwater fishing that is done from the shoreline. All you need to go beach fishing in Texas is your fishing rod, some bait, and your favorite beach. And with 367 miles of coastline in Texas, you’ll never run out of new favorite fishing spots.

Can You Fish on Public Beaches in Texas?

Beach fishing in Texas

Yes, as long as you have an active fishing license, you can fish on public beaches in Texas. If you do not have or do not wish to acquire a fishing license, Texas State Parks host a year-round program called “Free Fishing in State Parks” where you can pay an entry fee to the park and fish without a fishing license.

What Fish Can You Catch in the Surf of Texas?

Fishing in the surf might sound like a lackluster way to catch fish since you are fishing from dry land, but that cannot be further from the truth. There are over 60 different types of catchable fish in the surf of Texas beaches, but you won’t be able to see all of them at the same time. The season you are fishing in will determine what is around. 

In the winter, the shores are full of whiting, black drums, and even sandbar sharks. The spring brings along speckled trout and bull sharks. The summer heat welcomes Spanish mackerel and bull redfish. Croaker, sand trout, and Pompao are all potential catches in the fall. While many fish come and go with the seasons, fish such as flounder, largemouth bass, and seatrout are year-round.

Picking the Right Time and Location To Go Beach Fishing in Texas

While beach fishing in Texas is as easy as grabbing your gear and license and finding a beach, finding the right beach and picking the proper time of day are crucial to a successful fishing trip. You must read the beach or find specific features to determine if the spot you have chosen will be successful.

The best time for this is at low tide when what you are looking for becomes more visible. Look for key features like where the sandbar is, as it will determine where the fish are. Spotting shells and coarse sand means you have most likely located an area with deeper holes that will hold fish.

Beach fishing in Texas at sunset

There is no correct time of day to fish, but there are times that are better than others. Fishing during the tides that sunrise and sunset bring in will be your best chance at success. These times coincide with feeding time for the fish, making them more active and easier to catch.

Whether you are a seasoned fisherman or headed out for your first trip, beach fishing is an easy way to keep up the hobby without the costs some other styles of fishing bring. With access to hundreds of miles of coastline, beaches in every city from Corpus Christi to Galveston, and dozens of varieties of fish, beach fishing in Texas is a must-do activity for anyone visiting the coastline.

Contact us at Southern Oaks RV Resort next time you plan on beach fishing in Texas.

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